Friday, August 21, 2009

If The Shoe Fits...

Last weekend I had the opportunity to serve at a spiritual retreat; it's a 3 day short course in Christian living. A saturation, if you will, of God's love and grace.

I've been involved in this since 2004, but the past few times, something has been different for me. I haven't been coming home with that same sense of excitement that I usually feel, despite the great things that I witness and hear.

It's not to say that I don't feel blessed by the experience, or that I am not humbled by the opportunity to have been invited to partner with God; but that "mountain top high" is missing.

I spent a few hours driving in a vehicle on Monday so I used the drive-time to ponder why it felt so different for me; and honestly, a bit bothered by the fact that such a great weekend was being summed up by "feelings."

This past weekend, normal, average, everyday people, shared and gave testimony to the work and power of Christ in their lives; where they were and how he's changed their lives.

We shared communion together; we prayed together; we worshiped together; we laughed together; and we learned and grew together.

The other incredible thing that blows me away, is that we witnessed people stand up, deny the world, count the cost, ignore the scoffers, and accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and invite him into their heart. We got to witness people accept an invitation to become a follower of Christ and others recommit their lives to Christ.

So why would I be "feeling" this way? What exactly am I feeling?


The very first time I attended this retreat I went as a guest; I was invited to go. After that, I chose to go to serve, but I don't know who I was serving: myself or others.

Psalm 1:3 says:
They are like trees
growing beside a stream,
trees that produce
fruit in season
and always have leaves.
Those people succeed
in everything they do.

I'm learning; I'm growing; I'm not an "infant" in my faith - not an "elder" ~ just somewhere in between.

If you want to get a peek at last weekend, visit this site: and read his post about SHOES!